Ensure the highest standards of research and make it count

Every year billions of dollars are spent on scientific research – but what happens if the results are not reproducible or transparent?  For those involved in scientific communications, the integrity and trustworthiness of research are as important as the attention and citations it receives, so how can we ensure that good science practices are upheld? 

That’s where the Dimensions Research Integrity app comes in. We have combined the world’s largest linked research database with Trust Markers – our indicators of responsible scientific communication. 

Not only does the dashboard make it easy to assess the transparency and reproducibility of published research at a glance, but by benchmarking against others you have a truer sense of your performance, which makes identifying gaps or interventions needed in your research integrity practices easier than ever before. 

How it works

Dimensions Research Integrity uses Trust Markers to measure responsible scientific practices in publications, allowing you to:

  • Benchmark transparent scientific practices across publishers and journals, 
  • Identify trust marker adoption by research area and publication,
  • Compare your standing to your peers and competing organizations,
  • Monitor competing interest statements and acknowledgment patterns,

and carry out many other useful checks. 

Here’s how it helps everyone involved in research:

  • Universities can foster a culture of research integrity by identifying local practices needing attention and intervening before publication.
  • Funders can monitor the implementation and uptake of good science indicators; and,
  •  Publishers can compare practices against policies and peers, and ensure good science processes.

See Dimensions Research Integrity in action

To see what the Dimensions Research Integrity app could do for you, just get in touch for a demo.