The data in Dimensions – from idea to impact

The world’s largest linked research and innovation database

Altmetric data points
Clinical trials
Policy documents

Size and enrichments matter

Not only is Dimensions the world’s largest research information database, our clear goal is to enrich and link the data for you as much as possible: with keywords and concepts, organizations, researchers, or machine learning-based classifications. This brings thousands of data silos together in one linked data set for you – ready to be explored.

Get ahead of the curve

Digital Science has developed Dimensions as the world’s largest research and innovation resource to support all researchers, those designing research strategies and those managing innovation.

You can see the past, present and future of research by:

  • Analyzing the impact of clinical trials, patents and policies
  • Sourcing information from journals worldwide, as well as preprints, datasets, proceedings and books
  • Identifying future trends by following grant funding

More than a database

With deep indexing of more than 98 million publications and 150 million patents, Dimensions provides enriched data that makes research easier. This includes specific, disambiguated data on individual people as well as institutions, using AI-based categorization and a wide range of indicators and metrics. 

Looking into the future

Using Dimensions yields a 360-degree view of all research, including researcher profiles, institutional profiles and global trends. From that wide perspective, you can utilize the power of natural language processing, AI and machine learning to gain insights from across a huge range of documentation and data.

Dimensions’ range and sophistication of search capabilities means  you’ll be able to understand who and what is driving scientific discovery, where the next related innovation may come from, and who you’ll need to collaborate with to make it happen.

The ultimate research tool

Dimensions’ accessibility and flexibility really set us apart from our competitors. Providing data in all the different ways users require, Dimensions offers: 

  • One of the world’s most powerful search applications
  • Visual dashboard apps that help solve specific research challenges
  • The Dimensions API, which can be used to build your own applications
  • Raw data through Dimensions on Google BigQuery in a relational database, enabling large-scale analysis and integrated data into other systems.

Dimensions enriches data… and the value of your research 

Why Dimensions?

At Dimensions we want our data to help you in your research discovery. We meticulously resolve metadata and help you find connections across the research ecosystem easily and at speed.

With three times more resolved funding references and links to over 7 million global grants and over 144 million publications, we prioritize precision over recall and provide you with advanced visual analytics, empowering you with better discovery tools, transparency, and streamlined processes.

Take a look at our comparison table to see how Dimensions data compares to other A&I databases.

DimensionsScopusWeb of ScienceOpen Alex
Total Content Records~347M~120M~164M~256M
Publications147M~70M~87M~256M *
Datasets32MNoNo (Only available via subscription to the Data Citation Index; 13M)7.5M
Patent records164M~49MNo (Only available via subscription to the Derwent Innovation Index; 57M)No
Clinical trials886KNoNoNo
Policy documents2MNoNoNo
Links between all content typesYesNoNoYes**
Search in title & abstract onlyYesYesYesNo
Advanced searchBoolean, GUIBoolean, GUIBoolean, GUIBoolean, GUI
Search in fulltextYesNoNoYes***
Search by pasting an abstractYesNoNoNo
Multiple and open classification systemsYesNoNoN/A
ClassificationsArticle-level all content typesJournal-levelJournal-levelWork-level
Citations and metricsCitations, FCR, RCR, Highly cited, Recent Citations, Altmetric Attention Score, Patent citations, SNIP, SJRCitations, FWCI, Plum, SNIP, SJR, Recent Citations, h-index, CiteScore (tracker, percentile/quartiles, rank, citation and document count, cited)Citations, Journal Impact Factor (JIF), CNCI (InCites), Eigenfactor Score, h-index, Article Influence ScoreCitations

* This number is classified as ‘works’ and is not limited to publications but also other content types

** Finds associations between journals, authors, institutional affiliations, citations, concepts, and funders.

*** Full-text search is only available on Open Access documents.


This comparison aims to help potential users make an informed decision on the most suitable tool for research discovery. If you have any suggestions about how it could be improved please get in touch with support.

Information relating to Dimensions relates to Dimensions Analytics as of July 2024.

Scopus is owned by Elsevier. Information included relates to Scopus and was sourced from its website in June 2024.

Web Of Science is owned by Clarivate. Information included relates to Web of Science and was sourced from its website in June 2024.

Open Alex is owned by Our Research. Information included relates to Open Alex and was sourced from its website in June 2024.

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