The Dimensions team is excited to announce a new partnership with the Norwegian Centre for Research Data (NSD) that will increase the visibility, searchability, and availability of social sciences and arts and humanities (HSS) research.

Humanities and social sciences researchers are likely well-aware that traditional A&I databases typically don’t cast a wide enough net to capture their high-quality and often niche research.

Through the NSD-Dimensions partnership, we aim to set a new standard: that HSS research can and should be as easy to find as other fields are in multidisciplinary discovery and analytics products.

About the partnership

Dimensions is not a traditional A&I database—instead, Dimensions brings together over 140 million publications, grants, clinical trials, patents, policy documents, and their associated metrics into a multidisciplinary database that’s been designed to be as open and inclusive as possible.

Through our partnership with NSD, we’re now able to offer more services tailored specifically to the social sciences and arts and humanities. To do this, we’re leveraging the NSD’s European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), a journal index that was developed by and for European HSS researchers to enhance the global visibility of high-quality research published in academic journals in various European languages.

Dimensions’ new, ERIH PLUS-powered services currently include:

  • An ERIH PLUS journal list filter, which allows users to easily identify high-quality SSH research
  • The new “ERIH PLUS by Dimensions” database, which combines the functionality and extensive data sources of Dimensions with ERIH PLUS, enabling users to analyze and explore ERIH PLUS journals in greater depth and detail

We view these two new services to be just a starting point. The ultimate goal we’re working towards is capturing the entirety of HSS knowledge production—just as we’re aiming to eventually do for STEM fields.

ERIH PLUS by Dimensions

The freely available ERIH PLUS by Dimensions database allows users to analyze and explore ERIH PLUS journal content in all its richness. In ERIH PLUS by Dimensions, users can:

Search across all 7.5 million publications published in ERIH PLUS journals (in both full-text and title and abstract searches), via keyword search and also Dimensions’ unique abstract search.

Filter based on Open Access status, journal, subject area, year of publication, researcher, and journal lists.

Discover, analyze, and visualize altmetrics and citation-based metrics (including the Relative Citation Ration and Field Citation Ratio).

The ERIH PLUS journal list filter in Dimensions

Regular Dimensions users can also now explore ERIH PLUS content in the context of the larger Dimensions publications database, enabling comparison and search across all of Dimensions’ 100 million publications. Just check “ERIH PLUS” in the Journal List search filter:

ERIH PLUS filter in Dimensions app

From there, Dimensions Plus and Dimensions Analytics users can dig deeper into the relationships between funders, research organizations, subject areas, and other aspects of research production in the Dimensions Analytical Views screen:

Affiliations of authors publishing in ERIH PLUS source titles

It’s also possible to search ERIH Plus publications using the Dimensions API. For example, this API query (“search publications where journal_lists = “ERIH PLUS” return publications[basics]”) would return basic publication metadata for all papers published in ERIH PLUS-listed journals. You can use this aspect of the powerful Dimensions API to study a variety of scientometric topics using ERIH PLUS publications for comparison and analysis.

Explore for yourself

Visit ERIH PLUS by Dimensions to search and analyze research published in ERIH PLUS journals.

Then, see how ERIH PLUS research fits into the broader picture: use Dimensions to search and visualize search results using the ERIH PLUS journal list filter and Dimensions Analytical Views.