Dimensions is a powerful research database that utilises artificial intelligence (AI) to link millions of data points across publications and other scientific information, allowing medical affairs teams to find the best KOLs for therapy areas and around specific medications. With just one search, users can discover a broad range of rich information, including full-text indexed publications, clinical trial data, funding sources, patents and even the social media impact generated by individual experts.
We know searching for KOLs is both a frequent and important activity, and as a result we developed a new dashboard that made that search a lot easier. It features a simple and intuitive user interface that accesses all of the data Dimensions has to offer.
We combine traditional metrics with Altmetric’s online attention metrics to provide a unique view of influence, that easily allows you to identify established and emerging KOLs.

Firstly, medical affairs teams can see whether experts have been associated with a therapy or medication for a long while and have developed significant expertise, or if they are potentially a new rising star in their area. Secondly, the ability to spot rising stars offers significant strategic value in medical affairs, as KOLs can be recruited based on emerging data to provide a medical affairs team with a competitive advantage.

For more information on identifying unicorn KOLs using Dimensions and Altmetric data, watch our on-demand webinar.
Talk to us and learn how we can help you
Our KOL dashboard can be built and customized to your needs, if you would like to learn more please talk to our friendly team today.