


Introduction for Researchers

With Dimensions, researchers have access to a vast collection of curated research outputs and tools that help them find what they need to advance their discoveries.

Quick Start Guide

This guide provides a short overview of Dimensions navigation and functionality, including some sample searches you might like to try to get started.

API documentation

This documentation contains high-level information about the project and its development, as well as the language’s features and usage.

Dimensions API Labs – code examples

This page contains Jupyter notebooks to show how to carry out common scholarly data analytics tasks using the Dimensions Analytics API.

API on Github

Learn about the Dimensions Analytics API via code examples and Jupyter notebooks.

Reproducibility or Producibility? Metrics and their Masters

Access to large scale data to produce new insights or reproduce existing results is a necessity for scientometric research and access cannot be limited by commercial considerations.

A Guide to the Dimensions Data Approach

A collaborative approach to creating a modern infrastructure for data describing research: where we are and where we want to take it.

Dimensions: Building Context for Search and Evaluation

This article, which was published in Frontiers, gives an overview of the methodology of construction of the Dimensions dataset and user interface.

A Collaborative Approach to Enhancing Research Discovery

This report takes a closer look at some of the research insights that can be gathered using the new Dimensions platform, with a focus on the benefits of its collaborative approach to development.

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