
Library Toolkit


Product guide – Dimensions analytics

This guide provides a short overview of Dimensions and how to best use the service

Institutional Dimensions roll out

This guide provides a succinct insight into how to promote Dimensions to other people, using their successful customers as examples

Boolean searching in Dimensions

This guide helps you understand how to do Boolean searches using Dimensions

How to find a researcher in Dimensions

This video tutorial shows you how to find researchers in Dimensions. Either to identify experts on a particular research topic or to find someone that is already known to you.

How to search in Dimensions

This video tutorial shows you the four main types of search in Dimensions: full data, title and abstract, DOI search and the abstract search.

Online banners

Banners to place on your library or institutional website to help your researchers find Dimensions

Dimensions Badges: Easily Monitor Your Academic Impact

Adding the Dimensions Badges to your repository or researcher profile makes it easy to showcase the academic impact of an article.

Article Metrics in Dimensions

Within Dimensions you can find a range of useful citation and alternative metrics that provide additional context and insight.

Introduction for Researchers

With Dimensions, researchers have access to a vast collection of curated research outputs and tools that help them find what they need to advance their discoveries.

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