Have you ever had to get across an unfamiliar research topic quickly? In a complex and changing landscape, looking at publications and citations is not enough – the contextual factors surrounding a research topic are increasingly important as well.

Using Dimensions’ state-of-the-art capability to apply classifications and concepts, we can quickly zoom in or out to focus on the exact part of the global research landscape that interests us. Once we have defined our topic, we can explore its real-world footprint and use Altmetric’s richly detailed and contextualised mentions data to craft an evidence-based narrative that helps to inform decision-making and support a business case for action or investment.

In this webinar we will use ‘Biochar’ research to demonstrate how using the integrated tools that Dimensions and Altmetric have to offer, allows you to answer questions like:

  • Who is working on biochar research, where and in what disciplines?
  • What sort of biochar research is being funded?
  • What kinds of inventions are being created?
  • Who is driving biochar research forwards?
  • Who is discussing biochar research, where are those conversations happening and who is involved?
  • What are the pathways to impact and what is the evidence?
  • What are the growing and emerging concepts in biochar research?
  • How does biochar research align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

Listen to the webinar recording, or read our blog post: Understanding and analyzing global research challenges using Dimensions – A Biochar case study