Tracking the success of PhD students while enrolled at your institution and post-graduation can help improve graduate programs as well as support accreditation and graduate program reviews. Until recently, Texas A&M recorded and tracked PhD students’ progress while they were attending A&M, but rarely after they graduate.
Recently, The University Libraries of Texas A&M obtained an annual license for Dimensions, which allows them to characterize the research of former graduate students with an aim to improve graduate programs. In this webinar, Dr. Bruce Herbert of Texas A&M will highlight the results of their pilot project to characterize the research careers of a small number of recent graduates of their PhD programs as an example of the type of analyses that could be done with bibliometric data.
Dr. Bruce Herbert is Professor of Geology and currently serves as the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communications in the Sterling C. Evans library At Texas A&M. As Director of OSC, Dr. Herbert is responsible for strengthening the Library’s efforts in scholarly communications and open access through engagement and collaboration with the faculty across campus at Texas A&M University.