Dimensions Author Check, an advanced tool developed by the Dimensions team, has been adopted by global academic publisher Sage as part of its commitment to upholding research integrity. The tool reviews researchers’ publication histories and networks to detect potential concerns related to retractions or atypical collaboration patterns, and the use of tortured phrases.

By leveraging the world’s most extensive research integrity dataset, Dimensions Author Check identifies unusual patterns that may warrant further investigation. This innovative solution simplifies and streamlines the traditionally labor-intensive author verification process, offering publishers a comprehensive view of authors’ research histories.

Sage’s decision to implement Dimensions Author Check highlights the growing importance of robust technologies in preserving the integrity of academic publishing. Digital Science views this collaboration as a milestone in its mission to empower publishers with solutions that foster trust and transparency in scholarly communication.

This partnership reinforces the role of Dimensions Author Check as a critical resource in addressing challenges within the research ecosystem and ensuring the publication of high-quality, reliable academic work.

Read the Sage press release to find out more or feel free to contact the Dimensions team with your questions.