Get your content indexed

Find out how to prepare your content and metadata to get the most out of Dimensions.

How can my content get indexed in Dimensions?

We index most of our publication base data directly from open sources like Crossref and PubMed. If your journal articles, proceedings, books or book chapters have DOIs and are indexed in Crossref, or if they are indexed in PubMed, there’s a high chance we’ve already included them in Dimensions as well. You can check this by searching for your journal’s name in the “Source Title” filter in Dimensions or by entering one of your publications’ DOIs in the Dimensions search. Check our support site for more information for publishers and how we index and process your content

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Dimensions for publishers

Learn more about how Dimensions can you as a publisher helps publishers to deliver on their core strategic goals.

Dimensions Analytics

Dimensions Analytics supports complex data analysis to meet the needs of publishers.

Dimensions Badges

Contextualise your publications on your platform with free Dimensions badges or calling on the free Metrics API.