Dimensions for Drug Discovery

Innovate and accelerate your scientific research process

Dimensions is the largest available scientific research database, built to provide the most comprehensive view of the entire research landscape.

It’s the only service that extracts robust data across the full research lifecycle, offering R&D scientists and explorative biologists an unparalleled breadth and depth of information.

 Custom dashboards cut through the noise and speed up the research process, ensuring that no information is missed. Tailored to your needs and therapy areas, our accurate bespoke solutions speed up drug discovery and development, helping you to solve research problems and improve patient lives.

Dimensions for Drug Discovery allows you to:

  • Generate more accurate insights than ever before
  • Explore and analyze the global research landscape

“Dimensions takes scientific knowledge discovery and insight generation to the next level.”


Game-changing advantages

Accelerate your route to market

Decrease the risk of failure at a clinical trial as you speed up the research process.
Explore drug, target and disease landscapes and easily spot gaps for commercial development.
Predict patterns and trends and drive innovation. Get to market faster so your work can start improving people’s lives.

Find more of what you need, fast

We leave no stone unturned. Even complex queries deliver results in seconds.
Explore across the whole research lifecycle, with extensive data from publications, grants, clinical trials, patents, datasets and policy documents. Dimensions offers more relevant information than any other source: over 70% of publications are available with full text indexing – and with up to 10 times more publications than PubMed, you can be confident that nothing is missed. 

Avoid bias and minimize error

Make accurate, evidence-based decisions with confidence, mitigate risk and increase efficacy. We give you the full picture: our technology rapidly uncovers unexpected insights, exploring data that is overlooked elsewhere.

Access target solutions for your therapeutic area

We create bespoke solutions tailored to your therapy area, disease, target and drug type. Our interactive dashboards ensure you can see all critical information at a glance, arming you with rich and visually immersive insights that provide answers to your specific questions. Take a look at this oncology biomarkers dashboard as an example.

Our customers

Get started

Your organization’s needs are unique, so we take a personal approach to helping you. Our friendly team will consult and work with you to make sure you get the very best from Dimensions.