
Use cases


Track and report on the wider outcomes of funded research

How to tell a richer story of the impact of research programs when reporting on outcomes and ROI.

Horizon scanning, technology watch and technology foresight

How to conduct more effective horizon scanning and get ahead of the curve with technology watch and technology foresight.

Creating clinical trial dashboards accessible for clinicians

Create a Clinical Trial Visualization Platform to transform scientific publications into an accessible and interactive format for clinicians and patients.

Identify and target grant recipients and accurately analyze commercial opportunity

How to accurately search for grants and researchers to grow your business.

Analyse innovation impact

How to use Dimensions API to track the impact of your research or your institution.

Easily make strategic collection development decisions

How to easily inform collection development decisions and find which information your researchers need access to.

Analyse impact of Open Access

How to analyse the impact of Open Access using filters on your scholarly research.

Find experts of the future

How to find experts of the future with access to relevant information and insights that will help inform future strategies.

Understand cancer research activities

How to track and understand cancer related activity across publications, grants and more.

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